
PMS (MASL-3050) Speed Governor

Read through the detailed description about PMS (MASL-3050) Speed Governor and make it usefull

This Speed Governor is based on Potentio metric System Speed Limiter .This type of speed governors can be used to control the speed of the vehicle. This speed governor consists mainly of three units they are Speed Sensor, Electronic Control Unit, and Wiring Harness.
From the name of devices its easily understood that it can be installed in all types of vehicle having Potentiometric accelerator Pedal, not depending on the type of fuel used in the vehicle. That means it can used in any vehicle that runs on Diesel, LPG, CNG or Petrol. Another advantage is that by installing PMS (MASL-3050) speed governor, it will never cause any trouble to the performance of the system. As PMS (MASL-3050) speed governor is so small, it can installed anywhere in the driver’s cabin near to accelator pedal. This speed governor system is designed and developed using high end technology with the help of potential voltage switching.
This system is suitable for all commercial vehicles, as well as passenger vehicle that comes under the category M1 , N1 and M2 , N2. Micro Auto Tech Speed Limiters are approved on more than 845 types of vehicles running on different fuels. Micro Auto Tech Speed Limiters have covered the range of vehicles manufactured from 15 years ago to the recent vehicles. Micro Auto Tech are having a good coordination with O.E.M’s to keep an update for design and upgradation. Micro Auto Tech team has devoted a lot of time to take a lot of approvals on different vehicles and now they are the no. ! company having maximum no of approvals for speed limiter. Micro Auto Tech are having more than 845 approvals (Euro I to Euro IV) given by the respective test agencies of India and further discussions are in progress to get more certifications.